1. Be Timely. Give yourself a deadline. Be it ten minutes or ten days you must have an end point when your decision is made. Set your deadline before you even begin to weigh your options.
2. Brainstorm.
What are all of the possible solutions? Write them down. Something may sound improbable when said, but when you read the option it may be the best. As you brainstorm don't eliminate anything. Lay out the various options on a piece of paper.
3. Eliminate what doesn't work.
Consider the options thoroughly. Refer to your notes, notice your feelings and your thoughts around each solution and then pare down to two or three options. Continue to review each option until you've arrived at your decision. Then proceed to strategy #4.
4. Does it Feel Right?
Take time for a "gut check." If it doesn't feel right return to strategy #3.
5. Look forward not backward.
Now that you have made the decision look forward not back. We can always second guess our selection, but once you've made it go with it. Be strong and confident in your decision making process.
Make It Happen
This week when you are faced with a difficult decision use these five strategies to arrive at a decision.