
Do You Live from Abundance?

This Week's Topic: Do You live from Abundance?
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Article College Connection Magzine a publication of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

This Week's Topic: Do You Live from Abundance?

Dear Friend,
"It is not only my right and my privilege to walk in the abundance God has for me, it is my responsibility ... just as it is my responsibility to live the rest of my truth." ~Jan Denise
A dear friend of mine and his wife lost their newborn son earlier this week. In telling friends and family who were not with them, they wrote the following of their son, "He was an amazing miracle; a true gift from God." And to their friends and family they wrote, "Thank you so much for keeping us in your hearts over the past week. It has been challenging, rewarding, heartbreaking, and joyful...all at once."
These are words in the middle of pain and sorrow, but they are filled with joy and love. Why, you might ask? I'll tell you. From my perspective, there are two reasons:
1) They believe in that which is greater than themselves.
2) They live from abundance.
This week what I really what you to consider is, "Do you live from abundance or scarcity?"
In those few words above my dear friends were focused on the joy of their son. The precious time they had with him. The blessing that he was to them. I suspect we all could benefit from a shift in focus this week - from scarcity to abundance.
As you focus on your abundance - notice that the competiton ends, the superiority fades, and the need to be more, better, different is replaced with acceptance. Acceptance, first of yourself and acceptance for others follows.
Make It Happen
This week focus on your abundance - focus on your full, over-flowing glass of love and abundance. When negative thoughts creep in...drift past them and shift focus to your bounty of blessings! Maybe you'll even want to write them down ... writing them down will help to reinforce your view point.
To ensure you receive our newsletter each week, add Margaret@MargaretPundmann.com to your address book or your approved list of senders.
Blessings to you,
P.S. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up. Margaret Pundmann is a life and business coach, speaker, and author of numerous articles on living your most powerful life. Stay tuned, Margaret's first book for emerging women will be available for pre-order in the coming weeks.
Please feel free to forward the "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter to friends and colleagues, but please forward in its entirety. The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise. Copyright © 2008 Margaret Pundmann. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.


What is Love?

This Week's Topic: What is Love?
In the News & Upcoming Events
Welcome to our new subscribers! You inspire me to keep writing. Please keep forwarding the newsletter along. Thank you for sharing this column with your friends around the world.
Article College Connection Magzine a publication of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

This Week's Topic: What is Love?

Dear Friend,
Love is
In these last few days before our marriage I been considering what love really is. I believe, whatever your faith, these verses from first Corinthians are profound and rather fitting descriptors of love. The last line .. "love never fails" pretty much sums it up. Love is always present, love is always available, and love does not waiver.
Make It Happen
This week consider the love in your life. Is it patient? Is it kind? Does it protect? Does it trust? Does your love hope? Does your love persevere? Does your love fail? We know the Lord's love never fails ... this week let us all be a mirror of his love for us to the world around us.
To ensure you receive our newsletter each week, add Margaret@MargaretPundmann.com to your address book or your approved list of senders.
Blessings to you,
P.S. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up. Margaret Pundmann is a life and business coach, speaker, and author of numerous articles on living your most powerful life. Stay tuned, Margaret's first book for emerging women will be available for pre-order in the coming weeks.
Please feel free to forward the "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter to friends and colleagues, but please forward in its entirety. The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise. Copyright © 2008 Margaret Pundmann. All rights reserved.www.MargaretPundmann.com.