"Success in marriage is much more than finding the right person; it is a matter of being the right person" ~Anonymous
"What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility." ~Leo Tolstoy
During the month of February, we've been focused on love - loving yourself, loving others and this week we turn to marriage. Professor James Cordova of Clark University, funded by the National Institute of Health, conducted research on 217 married couples. The research focused on intervention rather than therapy. The couples who participated in the intervention based research fared better than those who didn't participate. The result is six key questions for you!
This week I would like you to use these six questions to reconnect with your significant other. My suggestion would be to take these questions on a date night, or discuss them with a glass of wine after your children are in bed or even a quiet moment one afternoon this weekend. In every relationship - no matter how strong - there are always things we can do to improve the relationship.
Improving our relationship begins with respect and communication. When you bring up these questions do so with an open mind and open heart. Leave your armor at the door. Be open to the feedback that you receive - even if it is a surprise. Use these six questions to learn more about what your partner is thinking and how they are feeling inside your relationship. Allow this exercise to be a relationship check up!
Make It Happen
1. How are we doing?
Use this question to get a status update.
2. What is good about our relationship?
Focus on what is working and the positives of your relationship. When you answer these questions for your spouse aim to identify twenty for them!
3. How can we work together on _____________?
Let your spouse fill in the blank whether it is helping a child in crisis, communicating better, navigating compromises or even just picking a paint color for your kitchen be open to what they put in the blank. This question tells your spouse that you are in it together - whatever it is!
4. What do you need more of, from me?
Listen carefully. Refuse to be defensive - listen and be open. Now isn't the time to say anything.
5. When we disagree how can we understand each other better?
In other words, when we are fighting - and we all do, what can I do to understand you better? How can we fight better? When we aren't on the same page, what can I do or say to better understand you?
6. How satisfied are you with our intimacy?
Remember there are all different types of intimacy - explore physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy.
May you be blessed for you are a blessing!