I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. ~Author Unknown
Dear Friend,
This week we will discuss the topic of resolution. Resolution, according to Ben Franklin is an unwavering performance of that which we resolve to do. I think this topic is particularly appropriate with the beginning of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Anyone who saw the opening ceremony will be able to respect the resolution of the Chinese. The opening ceremony was a tremendous display of creativity, innovation, and vision. The resolve of many was required in order to create such a spectacular event.
If we look deeper into the Olympics we find evidence of resolve on both the team level and the individual level. This is reflected in the attitude of the participants. After setting a world record, swimmer Michael Phelps said that he was putting his first '08 gold medal behind him so that he could focus on the contests ahead. His comments illustrate to us resolve in the purest form. It is the unwavering determination and focus on that which we have set out to do.
Think back to a time in your life when you accomplished something that was a stretch, a goal that you were extremely proud of having accomplished. I suggest it took planning, determination, hard work, and consistent effort. Each of these over time builds excellence at a particular task.
It is significant to examine what steps we need to take to meet these goals. Each goal requires resolve and determination, but without a strategy to execute, how can we possibly meet a particular destination?
Consider the following four steps to reaching a goal:
Discover - Where are you really going? What is your ultimate destination?
When you clearly articulate the ultimate destination you create a vision of where you are going. This vision is your dream. For many of the Olympic athletes it was making the cut to participate in the Beijing Olympics. For some athletes, the award is a gold medal and for others the prize is multiple gold medals. Defining the goal is the first step in realizing the goal.
Plan - What and who do you need to reach your destination?
Who do you need on your "team" to get where you are going? For the athletes, the range can be: God, coaches, teammates, equipment, fans, family, friends, food, sleep, hydration, and on and on. Defining who and what we need in order to reach our destination, and getting them on our "team" helps us prepare the pathway for success. Depending upon our destination, the resources are different. Part of realizing our goal is getting exactly what we need so that with resolve, we can reach our final destination.
Execute - How do you put your plan into action?
Once you have your plan and you have built your "team" - take small steps forward to realize your goal. Break each step down into smaller steps as necessary. There will be obstacles to face, but push forward and persevere. Enlist your cheerleaders regularly and often. Count each little blessing along your path. As the Japanese Proverb goes, "Fall seven times, stand up eight."
Celebrate - How will you rejoice once you've reached your destination?
It's critical to celebrate the path that you've traveled. This celebration nourishes your spirit and helps you to find the strength to face your next destination. Show gratitude for your cheerleaders and your entire team!
This four step plan will help you put your vision into reality.
Take Action Challenge:
Below are some common goals, see if one resonates with you. If not, identify your own specific goal.
- Sales goal
- Professional goal
- Education goal
- New client goal
- Relationship goal
- Health goal
- Fitness goal
- Financial goal
- New career goal
- Self care goal
- Organization goal
- Relocation goal
How might resolve show up in our daily lives? Where might we need to illustrate our resolve to reach a particular goal?
Each goal we undertake requires resolve and determination, but without a strategy to execute, how can we possibly meet a specific destination? Use the four questions above to develop a strategy to make your vision a reality. I believe, it is in our quite moments of reflection that we gain the resolve to deliver the results we desire. Be powerful, embrace your resolution, and go for the the gold!
Blessings to you,