Dear Friend, "A house that is cluttered is usually lived in by people whose minds are also cluttered, who need to simplify their lives. This begins with simplifying and clarifying their thinking. Mind and life need to be freed from the "disorder of the unnecessary." ~Elisabeth Elliott
Much of our energy is drained by both mental and physical clutter. The last several weeks we've focused on our physical surroundings. This week we turn to the mental clutter that - drains your energy, robs your time, makes us less effective and really we feel badly about our inability to move forward. Enjoy six strategies to clear your mental clutter.
Six Strategies to Clear your Mental Clutter
1) Get a notebook - use this for ALL of your to do lists, thoughts and notes ... no more post it's strewn throughout your home, car and purse! If you want to ratchet up your organization - create a tab for each family member, work, home, errands and any other large project in your life.
2) Complete the uncompleted - complete all that hangs in the balance be it a never ending work project or your child's picture book. We all benefit from deadlines, make one for the projects that need to be completed. If it doesn't need to be completed...see #3.
3) Drop what isn't working - from the wrong workout to toxic friends - say yes to yourself and no to what doesn't work.
4) Schedule time weekly to regroup AND schedule time monthly to plan - for some this will be an entire day for others it may be one hour - take what you need to eliminate the loose ends from your life and refocus your priorities.
5) Move - if you find that you are having trouble moving forward mentally - then make strides physically. Go for a ten minute walk -studies illustrate that even ten minutes of physical activity has emotional and physical benefits.
6) Stay in the present moment - truly the only time we have isn't what has already passed or what might be ahead, but rather the present moment. The moment that exists right now. Embrace the is simply, but not easy. If you struggle return to your breath to be centered.
Make It Happen
This week work on clearing your mental clutter. Use these six strategies to attack two projects - one personal, one professional.
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
God Bless,
Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to where they can sign up. Margaret Pundmann is a life and business coach, speaker, and author of numerous articles on living your most powerful life.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann. All rights reserved.