There are many different types of coaches. If you’re familiar with competitive sports you know there are coaches for tennis, baseball, basketball, football, etc. There are also life and business coaches; and there are even many specialties within the life and business coaching frameworks. Life and business coaches are similar to sports coaches in that they work with their clients (players) to create a vision of the win. That is to say, a coach’s goal is to partner with an individual to understand who they are at their core, and what their values are. A coach is also looking for what a client wants to accomplish. A client may desire to accomplish a broad range of things which might include: creating more fulfilling relationships, job transition, organization, weight loss, financial stability, and on and on. Most clients want some combination of many of these goals. Together the coach and client create a path to achieve these goals. The coach and client strategize on the most effective and efficient way to create a win. One thing a great coach is always looking out for is false goals. A goal that isn’t connected to who a client truly is and is instead a “should” or “have to.”
Coaching is a synergistic partnership that enables an individual to reach their highest intent and potential in the most efficient and effective path while staying connected to their truth and integrity. It is a mutual agreement to create a “safe space” to explore one’s beliefs, values and vision for their life.
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