Dear Friend,
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
How did it go over the last week doing one nice thing for yourself? Where you able to do it?If so, I congratulate you! Way to go! If not, I encourage you to ask yourself, why couldn't you find a small piece of time for yourself?I encourage you to make your-self a priority in this next week. Right now, mark thirty minutes on your calendar and select an activity that you can complete in that time. Remember to achieve something you must set specific, measurable, realistic, and scheduled goals - so take three minutes to map that out right now. I believe one of the greatest ways we can care for ourselves is to show gratitude.
(The rest of this column is an excerpt from my book, The Emerging Woman, due out on November 13, 2008.)
Begin a Gratitude Journal
According to research done by Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, a gratitude journal can make you happier. She had two groups of subjects that kept journals for ten weeks. The first group kept a gratitude journal and regularly jotted down those things that they were grateful for (meals, day, relationships, and work.) The second group wrote down daily hassles and annoyances. Not surprisingly, after ten weeks the group keeping a gratitude journal was happier, more optimistic, exercising more, experienced better health in terms of - decreased headaches, coughing, and even nausea. Some days you will have profound revelations. Other days, small simple things like food on the table and shade to shelter you from the heat of the sun will fill your list. You will see that those things you notice and appreciate change over the coming weeks. As you experience personal benefits of keeping a gratitude journal, take note below of those benefits and experiences. Over time, this journal will serve as a reminder to you why this is an important practice in your daily life.
Make it Happen
Right now, decide that you will purchase a lovely little notebook - one that is beautiful on the outside and makes you smile. Promise yourself, that each evening, before your head hits the pillow you will write five items for which you are grateful.
Try This
After a week of using your Gratitude Journal, take note of the benefits of your gratitude journal. Use this list as a reminder to continue using the Gratitude Journal.
Blessings to you!