
2009 - Events & Classes

January Events
Your Personal Growth Teleclass
Join us for this 5 week personal growth course that begins in January. During this 5 week journey we will cover the following topics:

Getting Started - Raising awareness of ourselves

Energy Drains - Identifying things that drain our energy and we tolerate, how to eliminate that which holds us back

Moving Forward from Your Past - Addressing unresolved matteres such as bad habits, an incomplete project, etc

Establishing Daily Habits - Creating daily routines that keep us focused and motivated

Simplify Dramatically - Examining your life and seeing where you are just doing too much, eliminating the excess


Wednesday's, January: 14, 21, 28

Wednesday's, February: 4,18

Times: 12pm to 1 pm central or 7pm to 8pm centralInvestment: $65

Register for Your Personal Growth Teleclass Your Best Year Yet Workshop at The Center For Mind, Body, Spirit January 26th 10am to 1pm (St. Louis, MO) Investment: $45 Register for Your Best Year Yet Workshop

Book Signing & Talk January 8, 6pm - 9pm Location Davis Kidd Bookstore Perkins Road Extended Memphis, Tennessee February Events More Magnificent You Teleclass based upon The Emerging WomanJoin us for this 6 week personal growth course that begins in January. During this 6 week journey we will cover the following topics: Finding New Beginnings Developing Your Authentic Self Tapping into Simplicity and Abundance Learning Harmony Embracing Joy Seeing the Beauty Recognizing Life's Riches Dates:

Wednesday's, February: 4,18, 25 Wednesday, March: 4, 11, 18


10am to 11am central or 5pm to 6pm centralInvestment: $75 Register for More Magnificent You Teleclass

2009 - Your Best Year Yet!

Dear Friend,

A goal is a dream that has an ending. ~ Duke Ellington

I hope you are having a joyous Holiday Season! Last week I asked you to reflect on 2008 - the truth of your year - both what worked and what didn't work. (Click here if you missed these questions.) Now that you've honestly answered these questions you can begin to ponder what you want your life to look like this time next year. This week let's create a vision of where we want to go into 2009. Once we paint this picture into our consciousness - we can break the vision into pieces.

When we develop ideas of what we want to accomplish, we need to ensure that our goals are complimentary. In other words we want to ensure our goals don't negate each other, but work together. For example, if one of your goals is to triple your business revenue and another goal is to coach little league for all three of your children - these goals might not realistically go together. Or they might. What I am asking you to do is to get real now - so that you don't create unreasonable expectations for yourself and then play the blame-guilt game with yourself next year.

First things first - close your eyes and begin with your vision. Ask yourself the question - what would you like to accomplish in 2009? Consider the following areas of your life -

  • Love and Relationships,
  • Health Life,
  • Physical Environment,
  • Work Life,
  • Financial Life,
  • Spiritual Life.

Over the next week I ask that you think of your vision and write down at least one goal for each area of your life. Once you have your list of at least six things that you want to accomplish in 2009 - see if they are symbiotic - do your goals go against each other or work together? Next week I'm going to ask you to put some planning around each of your goals so that once the proverbial ball drops and you've finished your champagne you can get focused and get to work on your goals for 2009.

Make It Happen

This week consider six things that you want to accomplish in 2009. Over this next week continue to celebreate all of the things that went right in 2008. Enjoy and savor the abundant blessings in your life. As you think about what you want to accomplish in 2009 - be real with yourself. Set challenging, inspiring, and yet reasonable goals for yourself. For each goal ask yourself the question, Who do I need to be to accomplish this goal?

Blessings to You for Your Best Year Yet!


Let's Review 2008

Dear Friend,

I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants. Zig Ziglar
Can you believe we are less than two weeks away from the New Year and the Holidays are upon us? Where does time go! This week I want us to review 2008 - the truth - the things that worked and the things that didn't. By reflecting we can find the things that worked and continue to do them in 2009. Additionally, we can adjust what didn't work so that we get different results in 2009. What were your goals in 2008? Before we leave 2008 and begin to think about 2009 here are 10 questions to consider: 1) Is what you are doing in your life - personally and professionally - working? 2) Are you getting the results you desire? 3) Are you fulfilled? 4) Are you enjoying your life? 5) Are your relationships nourishing and flourishing? 6) Do you take time to relax? 7) Are you growing as an individual? 8) Are you getting spiritual nourishment? 9) Do you make yourself a priority? (See article on self care.) 10) What is really important to me? (See article on blessings.) Once you have taken time to reflect upon these ten questions consider the following: If you could change one thing in your life what would it be and how might you make that change?
Make It Happen
This week I hope that you have a joyous Holiday with your loved ones. Keep your focus on the blessings in your life. Treasure each family member and celebrate what they bring to the table of your life. Try to find a few quiet moments before and after the fun to consider the questions above. We will use your answers to these questions as a basis for planning your 2009.
Regardless if 2008 was your best year yet or if it left a lot to be desired keep your eyes on the bountiful blessings in your life.
Next week we will focus on creating your vision for 2009!
Blessings to you for a warm and joyous Holiday!


By Giving, We Receive

Dear Friend,

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. -Winston Churchill
When we give we also receive. There is something about giving that we all yearn to do because when we give we share a piece of our heart and a piece of our soul. And, when our giving is monetary it requires a sacrifice. When we give, we share with the world - adding meaning and value to the lives around us and to our own life, as well. Think back to last week's article on the blessings in our life. I suspect many of us had some material items on our list. When we give some - even just a little - we share our abundance with the people around us. Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania, considered one of the fathers of positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness, has created an experiment for his students. Students are broken into two groups. One group was told to do something fun, the other group was told to serve others. Guess which group of students came back as the happier group? You are correct if you guessed the one that served others. When we simply serve our own needs we can experience pleasure, but research shows that once the "fun" activity ends our pleasure ends as well. Rather, if we want to experience sustainable pleasure - we must think beyond our own needs and desires and consider those around us.
Consider several phrases from the poem Giving by Kahlil Gibran:
Then said a rich man, 'Speak to us of Giving.' And he answered: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
... There are those who give little of the much which they have - and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome. And there are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
... It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
... Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors'. You often say, 'I would give, but only to the deserving.' The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture. They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
... See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving. For in truth it is life that gives unto life - while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
Make It Happen
This week I'm going to ask that you perform a random act of service. Perhaps at the grocery store you help someone unload their groceries or perhaps you offer to pay for their groceries. Do whatever feels right to you. Find one significant way to serve someone around you either with your time, money, or resources. Another act of service might be to select an amount of money that you are willing to part with - cash (no tax benefits here, only emotional ones!) and find someone in need and give it to them anonymously. Another suggestion is to drive someone to work who typically relies on public transportation. My request is that you find at least one way serve those around you this week. Once you do jot down in your journal or even on your calendar what you did and how it made you feel. By giving, we chart the path of our life!


Count Your Blessings!

Dear Friend,

Count your blessings instead of your crosses; Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes; Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears; Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean; Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth; Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
Author Unknown
Recently my mentor and friend Valorie Burton wrote an article on blessings that touched me. After reading this article I started thinking about my own blessings and how easy it is to allow them to drift from my focus. Especially this time of year it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life and forget how important our blessings really are. Do you remember Bing Crosby in White Christmas singing - Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep? What if we did just that and counted our blessings each day as we go to sleep? We might sleep pretty well! This is a takeoff of a suggestion that I offered several weeks ago (Caring For Yourself, part two) where I suggested that you begin a gratitude journal. In this journal you are to write down your blessings - or that which you are grateful for every day. This ritual and process helps us to realize the multitude and the magnitude of the blessings surrounding us. This week I am going to ask you to make a list of the top 10 blessings in your life. As we are in the middle of the hectic and fun Holiday Season I ask that you refer to this list at least daily. Use this list as a reminder of what and who really matters in your life. Use this list to focus your attention on the blessings rather than on the annoyances in your life.
Make It Happen
Right now find a pen and paper. Go to a quite place, sit down, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Then begin thinking about the blessings in your life. Just scroll through your life and create a mental image for each blessing. Do you have a huge smile emerging? Once you think you are finished - push yourself - keep going - find a few more things. Then open your eyes, take your pen and paper and write down everything that came to mind. (Don't stop yourself at 10 blessings...write down everything that comes to mind.) Think about where you can keep this list so that you can refer to it daily. Perhaps you can put it in your purse, your wallet, your bathroom mirror, your nightstand, or on the visor in your car. Find a place that works well for you and refer to this list at least daily. What I've done for this exercise is type up my list of blessings up on the computer and print several copies of this list and place them in my car and purse and in a couple of rooms in my home. Counting your blessings is a beautiful way to acknowledge and appreciate all that is excellent in your life right now. May you be blessed for you are a blessing! To subscribe or for more information visit www.MargaretPundmann.com


Goal Achieving - 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Dear Friend,

The significance of a man (and woman) is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahlil Gibran
We've made it through 48 weeks of 2008, we have four weeks left until 2009.What else do you want to accomplish this year? Is there one goal you have yet to accomplish? If you accomplished this goal, this year you would look at yourself and feel empowered and excited for 2009. What is a goal? According to Merriam-Webster a goal is, "the end toward which effort is directed." In the most general sense a goal is something that we want to achieve or attain. Maybe your goal is a clean desk, an organized pantry, a cold call you've been putting off, attending a networking event, putting yourself out there to meet someone new - personally or professionally, saying "no" to new volunteer opportunities, losing a few pounds, whatever your goal - you have four weeks left in 2008 to either accomplish your goal or make tremendous headway toward achieving your goal. Five Questions to Ask Yourself 1. What is your goal? Take a minute and close your eyes and think of a personal or professional goal of yours. Once you have identified this goal write it down. 2. Is this a pure goal versus a "should" goal? If yes, continue. If no, return to question number one. 3. What will be different in your life once you have accomplished this goal? Close your eyes and imagine that you've already accomplished this goal. What is different in your life - How do you feel? How do you look? What are you doing? Create a vivid mental picture of everything around you. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have?" Well this phrase is similar to goal setting. Act as if you've already accomplished the goal and the vision you create will pull you toward your goal. 4. What is your plan to achieve this goal? Use the phrase SMART to create a plan to achieve your goal. Specific - Goals should be as specific as possible Think about who, what, when, where and why. Measurable - Goals should be measurable Ask yourself - How much? How many? How will I know this goal has been achieved? Achievable - Big goals that push us are fabulous, but goals that are too big and cause us to break down are not so fabulous. Ask yourself - Am I pushing myself at an appropriate level to achieve this goal? Relevant - Base your goals on your core values and purpose in life rather than a "should" or an "ought to" goal.Ask yourself - Is this goal relevant to me and my larger mission? If yes, continue. If no, adjust your goal accordingly. Timely - Creating urgency and deadlines fuels us. Select a deadline and manage to that deadline. Ask yourself - What is the time-frame to achieve this goal? 5. How will you celebrate once you reach your goal? What will you do to acknowledge your accomplishment? Who will celebrate with you? Who will you need to thank for their role in your success?Your celebration may be large or small. It may simply be a massage or it may be a catered party at your home.
Make It Happen
Take out a piece of paper and return to question one. Work your way through these five questions to develop a plan to reach your goal - personal or professional. Once you reach your goal, don't forget the most important part - the celebration. It is critical because it "locks-in" your success. The celebration is the wax after a car wash or the sealant after you've refinished your floors. It is the critical component that seals your success.
Blessings to you!