Dear Friend,
A goal is a dream that has an ending. ~ Duke Ellington
I hope you are having a joyous Holiday Season! Last week I asked you to reflect on 2008 - the truth of your year - both what worked and what didn't work. (Click here if you missed these questions.) Now that you've honestly answered these questions you can begin to ponder what you want your life to look like this time next year. This week let's create a vision of where we want to go into 2009. Once we paint this picture into our consciousness - we can break the vision into pieces.
When we develop ideas of what we want to accomplish, we need to ensure that our goals are complimentary. In other words we want to ensure our goals don't negate each other, but work together. For example, if one of your goals is to triple your business revenue and another goal is to coach little league for all three of your children - these goals might not realistically go together. Or they might. What I am asking you to do is to get real now - so that you don't create unreasonable expectations for yourself and then play the blame-guilt game with yourself next year.
First things first - close your eyes and begin with your vision. Ask yourself the question - what would you like to accomplish in 2009? Consider the following areas of your life -
- Love and Relationships,
- Health Life,
- Physical Environment,
- Work Life,
- Financial Life,
- Spiritual Life.
Over the next week I ask that you think of your vision and write down at least one goal for each area of your life. Once you have your list of at least six things that you want to accomplish in 2009 - see if they are symbiotic - do your goals go against each other or work together? Next week I'm going to ask you to put some planning around each of your goals so that once the proverbial ball drops and you've finished your champagne you can get focused and get to work on your goals for 2009.
Make It Happen
This week consider six things that you want to accomplish in 2009. Over this next week continue to celebreate all of the things that went right in 2008. Enjoy and savor the abundant blessings in your life. As you think about what you want to accomplish in 2009 - be real with yourself. Set challenging, inspiring, and yet reasonable goals for yourself. For each goal ask yourself the question, Who do I need to be to accomplish this goal?
Blessings to You for Your Best Year Yet!