How Can You Create A Clean Slate?
Dear Friend,
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
~Lao Tsu
This is the second full week of the New Year. Many of us view this year as an opportunity to have a tabula rasa, Latin for "scraped tablet" or in other words a clean slate. This clean slate enables us to forge ahead and create new things in our life. However, a clean slate doesn't come just because it is a new year. We can be available for fresh starts, at many points in our life irrespective of the calendar. Yet, often we must get-rid-of in order to be ready for a fresh start and to have a clean slate.
This week I'd like you to think about what you need in your life in order to have a clean slate for 2009. Having a fresh start will allow you the space mentally, the space physically and the space emotionally to accomplish the goals you've created for the coming year.
In the last three weeks I've asked you to reflect on 2008 - celebrate what worked and identify what you want to change, I asked you to identify six goals for 2009and last week I asked you to create a plan to achieve your goals. Together we have visited the past to gather lessons, we've gone into the future to contemplate what you want to accomplish in 2009, and we've focused on what steps you need to take to accomplish your goals.
This week, I'm asking you to step into the present. Consider what in your life needs to change or what space you need to open up in order to follow through with your plans and ultimately realize your goals for 2009.
Consider what type of space you need - mentally, physically and emotionally and how might you achieve this space? If you need mental space perhaps you make some quiet time each day on your drive to and from work, savor meditation, or enjoy a yoga class. If you need physical space perhaps you take ten minutes each day this week to de-clutter the surface of your desk, organize your mail, or file 2008 papers. If you need emotional space, perhaps laughter with some friends, service to those in need, prayer, a romantic comedy, or a good run in the cold crisp air will give you breathing room. You may even need an entire day of rest. Consider taking a sabbatical-day or a sabbatical-afternoon so that you have the space and rest to clean your slate mentally, physically and emotionally in the best way for you.
Make It Happen
Make a conscious effort to examine what type of space you need in your life. Take this week and search your soul for your truth, what you need to make 2009 Your Best Year! Only you know exactly what you need right now. Blessings to you as you create your tabula rasa.
Blessings to you,
business coach,
clean slate,
life coach,
new year,