
Do You Sweat the Small Stuff

This Week's Topic: Do You Sweat the Small Stuff?

Dear Friend,
 God grant me the serenity  to accept the things I cannot change;  courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. ~Reinhold Niebuhr

This column is dedicated to the late Richard Carlson, (who died suddenly in 2006 of a pulmanary emblism) author of thirty books including the well known best seller, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. In Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Richard shares a message as simple as it comes and yet somehow the message is quite difficult to execute in our day-to-day lives. This is true because our lives are dynamic and unpredictable. In the midst of -- your spouse being late for an important event, a big truck cutting you off as you exit the highway, your child having a fender-bender, your boss asking you to cancel your vacation, finding half consumed water bottles left all over your home, realizing your dry cleaning for the big event won't ready until Monday -- it is easy to loose perspective and get bogged down in the moment rather than realize that all of this is just small stuff.

As a family friend often says, "don't major in the minors of life!" How true is it that we can become consumed with the little things that don't go just as we think they should and loose perspective on what is really important? We each have a choice: to focus on the small stuff or resolve today that life's little things will not derail us.
Why is it important to stay cool, steady, and focus on life's majors?
  • It is better for our health.
  • Anger and Stress raise our blood pressure and over time are thought to contribute to heart disease among other illnesses.
  • Our mind works better.
  • When we get angry blood rushes to our brain and disrupts logical and rational functioning. Hence, we are able to think more clearly and make intelligent, unemotional choices.  
  • We keep life in balance and perspective
As we focus on what is working we remain with the big picture and with positive energy rather than bogged down by the small stuff! 
Make It Happen
Before life comes at you, resolve to distance yourself from the situation before you react. Ask: Can I impact this situation?  If yes, then change it! If no, then accept it. Consider the phrase: And, this, too shall pass. Allow yourself to linger on it. When you get heated, upset, or annoyed remember the impermanence - the temporary nature - of most situations. This week may you be slow major in the minors and quick to let go. May you let life's little annoyances roll off your back, like water off of a duck! And may you change what you can, accept what you cannot change, and have the wisdom to know the difference! In the words of the wise Richard Carlson, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!"
Blessings to you,
P.S. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.  Margaret Pundmann is a life and business coach, speaker, and author of numerous articles on living your most powerful life. Stay tuned, Margaret's first book for emerging women will be available for pre-order in the coming weeks.