
Your Joy List

Your Joy List
The Emerging Woman
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In April, we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
April's Recap
Week 13 - Express Your Gratitude
Create a gratitude journal
Speak your gratitude outloud
Don't hold back!
Share what you feel!
Week 14 - Turn Over a New Leaf
Select one behavior you would like to change
Decide how you will make this change - a plan!
Get reinforcement to back you up - accountability!
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the archives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Your Joy List
Dear Friend,

"I feel like a tiny bird with a big song!"

~Jerry Van Amerongen, Ballard Street

Since we are celebrating your life this month, this week I want to discuss the joys of life. The joys of your life are people, events, experiences and things that make you smile just thinking of them! It can be a little confusing differentiating between our gratitudes and our joys. Use this simple rule: you are grateful for all of your joys, but each gratitude doesn't necessarily bring your joy. For example, I'm grateful for my computer - without it I would be a mess and unable to do much of my work, but my computer doesn't really bring me joy. Now the screen saver on my computer of my husband and me at a wedding in Seaside, FL ... that picture brings me joy! See the difference?

Make your joy list filled with people, events, experiences and things that light you up, that make you feel alive and flowing with energy (most of the time!) When you simply think about the items on your list...you will feel joyful! To help you begin writing your joy list I want to share my joy list with you...enjoy!

My Joy List

1. Faith

2. Family

3. Puppies

4. Evening summer rainstorms sitting on a covered porch in a rocking chair, with a blanket

5. Spending time with girlfriends

6. Travelling

7. Swimming

8. Holidays and traditions shared with family and friends

9. Meeting new people and having a connection

10. Change, improvement, goal attainment

11. Laughter

12. Champagne

13. Making everything - FUN, even a boring meeting!

Make It Happen

This week make your own joy list and put in a place where you will see it often and frequently! For example, I have mine on my nightstand and in my organizer. Next, try to add as many of the items on your joy list into your daily activities. When we do what brings us joy - true and pure, joy - our mood increases, we are reminded of the blessings in our life and our attention on what isn't working in our life diminishes.

My Joy List (put as many items on your list as you want!)











P.S. I appreciate your encouragement on procrastination...I'm a "work in progress!"

May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
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The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.