On Thursday, April 24th NBC’s Today Show featured Dr. Gail Saltz, a Today Show contributor and psychologist, as well as Life Coach Dorothy Breininger, founder of The Center for Organization (http://www.centerfororganization.com/ .) They discussed a study completed by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that revisits common assumptions on the impact of so many choices on us; and correspondingly the impact of more complicated decisions on other activities in our lives. Yes, choices absolutely lead to personal freedom and expression, however too many choices can cloud and exhaust our decision making ability. Studies have found that people often default to heuristics or “rules of thumb” to make decisions easier. It is an enormous energy drain to make numerous decisions. Developing strategies to streamline decisions can simply our lives. Life coach, Dorothy Breininger provides suggestions to help us all un-complicate the many decisions we face. She suggests the following four strategies:
-Define your values
-Prioritize your goals
-Ask ourselves, what can I eliminate?
-Avoid the terrible two’s – having two of everything
Over the next week, I am going to discuss in greater depth how I believe you can practically implement these suggestions.
To watch the Today Show clip: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24426409#24292077
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