Most of us want to accomplish lots of things, but if we don’t prioritize them we often achieve few if any of our goals. Goals are these lovely, wonderful, usually big to dos. Goals are not intended to be should’s or have to’s, but instead, authentic desires of our heart. Goals that are not pure become bourdons and really aren’t worth the journey they require to accomplish lest we arrive and realize hummm, we didn’t want this goal after all.
Once we clearly understand and have articulated our values, it is easier to examine the purity and authenticity of our goals. For the sake of this conversation I am going to assume you’ve got your goals and they are in alignment with your life. Prioritizing goals helps un-clutter your life and your decisions. Another benefit of prioritizing our goals is that it is more likely we will actually achieve them. Following the prioritization of my goals an additional strategy that works well for me is breaking them into smaller, measurable and accountable pieces. For example, when I ran a half marathon, I did what most runners do, broke the 13.1 mile goal into smaller goals. First, I looked at the timeframe I had until the half marathon, for me it was about 12 weeks. Each week I had distance goals for each day and for the week along with times that I would beat based upon my performance the previous week. Ultimately, it wasn’t a marathon just a bunch of long sprints strung together. Remember the phrase, enjoy the journey? Breaking this larger goal into smaller pieces kept me motivated and allowed me to celebrate along with way toward the big goal.
Having goals that are prioritized and founded in your values reduces the number of truly important decisions you have to make and frees you to actually accomplish the goals that really matter. Breaking your authentic goals into pieces is a great excuse for a party and keeps you motivated along the way.
Later this week, I’ll be writing eliminating vs. accumulating!
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Priortize Your Goals
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