- We are all role models. We are examples to others.
- By taking care of ourselves we quietly encourage those around us to get their needs met.
- Self care is a great way to manage stress and prevent chronic stress. Now that we know why it is important to care for ourselves, let's explore ways that we can be nourished.
What are some ways that you can care for yourself? Physically - What activities "fill my cup?"
- Walking
- Running
- Hiking
- Bike riding
- Practicing yoga
- Sleeping
- Eating nourishing foods
- Getting a massage
- Lifting weights
- Staying hydrated
- Doing an exercise video
- Going swimming
Emotionally - Who or what enables me to feel centered and balanced?
- Practicing Yoga
- Meaningfully connecting with friends and family
- Giving undivided attention
- Letting go of emotional drains - people, activities
- Avoiding negative thinking habits
- Having fun - seeing a movie
- Breathing deeply
- Seeking professional support
- Creating a relaxation ritual
- Having a bubble bath
- Staying in the present moment
- Loving yourself
- Forgiving
- Showing gratitude
- Laughing
- Being creative...singing, dancing, painting, or writing
- Enjoying a manicure or pedicure - sharing the experience with a friend
- Planting a garden, picking fresh flowers, or buying a small bouquet
- Applauding your strengths
- Nurturing a loving atmosphere in your home
Mentally - What are stimulating things that I can do?
- Sleeping enough - Melatonin produced by your brain enhances the body's ability to fight infection.
- Eating "brain" foods - Wild Salmon, Blueberries, Walnuts, and Green tea to name a few.
- Learning something new
- Enjoying a hobby
- Getting fresh air
- Enjoying silence
- Serving others
- Reducing stress
- Staying connected and informed - reading the newspaper
- Doing a crossword puzzle
- Trying Sudoku
- Avoiding negative thinking habits
- Allowing yourself to enjoy dreaming
- Reading
- Doing something you've never done before
- Staying in the present moment
Spiritually - What can I do to nurture my soul?
- Studies have shown that believing in something larger than yourself strengthens your ability to cope with depression.
- Praying
- Participating in community worship
- Meditating
- Reading scripture
- Displaying an inspirational quote or verse prominently
- Connecting with nature
- Keeping a gratitude journal - this has transformed my life and can transform yours as well...more on this next week!
Make It Happen This week pick one way to care for yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Use the list above as a point of departure to design one way that you can nourish yourself. Don't over complicate this task - just do what seems fun! With all of these activities consider frequency vs. duration. Set specific, measurable, realistic, and scheduled goals - it needn't be four hours long - if you are slim on time then find an activity that will take less than 30 minutes.
Try This "Reach for the Stars" Stand in a comfortable position or sit in a chair and do this exercise. Reach your arms up, over your head. Stretch your arms out toward the sky, as if you were reaching for the stars or the sun. Hold that reach for as long as you can, 5 to 10 seconds is good. Try this with your palms up, palms down, your fingers laced, or your hands loose and free. Never push to the point of discomfort. You can release the stretch by exhaling your breath and dropping your arms to the ground. On the next inhalation, come to a regular standing position or reach up again. Count at least four blessings! Now add a fifth - YOU! Blessings to you!