Dear Friend,
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
Benjamin Franklin states, "Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable." Restated in modern day terms, don't sweat the small stuff! And yes, our lives are filled with lots of small annoyances - your spouse being late, the big truck cutting you off on the highway, your child having a fender-bender, your boss asking for a report at 5pm the day before your vacation, half consumed water bottles left all over your basement, finding your dry cleaning for the big event won't ready until Monday!
As a friend of mine has often said, "don't major in the minors of life!" How true is it that we can become consumed with the little things that don't go just as we think they should? Each of us has a choice: to focus on the small stuff or resolve today that life's little things won't bring us down.
Why is it important to stay cool, steady, and focus on life's majors?
It is better for our health
Anger and Stress raise our blood pressure and over time is thought to contribute to heart disease among other illnesses.
Our mind works better
When we get angry blood rushes to our brain and disrupts logical and rational functioning. We are able to think more clearly and make intelligent unemotional choices.
We keep life in balance and perspective
As we focus on what is working we remain with the big picture and with positive energy.
Take Action Challenge
Before life comes at you, resolve to distance yourself from the situation before you react. Ask yourself: Can I impact this situation? If yes, then change it. If no, then accept it. Consider the phrase: And, this, too shall pass. Allow yourself to linger on it. When you get heated, upset, or annoyed remember the impermanence of all situations. This week may you be slow to anger and quick to forgive. May you let life's little annoyances roll off your back, like water off of a duck! And may you change what you can, accept what you cannot change, and have the wisdom to know the difference! Blessings to you!