
What Are Your Rituals?

Dear Friend,
"In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." ~Tony Robbins
A ritual defined by Merriam Webster's is a something that is done in accordance with a "social custom or normal protocol." When we think of rituals it is easy to be drawn towards the cultural or religious rituals of particular groups such as the Maori, the Native Americans, the Aborigines, or the Celts. In each of these cultures rituals serve to define and unite the culture. There are other rituals that reflect what Webster's defines as "normal protocol." In other words a ritual can also be a habit that is fully adopted into our lives - a process or series of actions we do almost without conscious thought. Of course, at some point we thought about them, but today they flow into our lives seamlessly. Reflect back to when you were little; your parents likely helped you build many rituals such as brushing your teeth before bed, taking a bath, doing homework and so on. As adults we've built rituals into our lives. Consider your morning routine - is it pretty much the same day to day, week to week? I bet it is and that is because we are creatures of habit. Once we figure out a way of being - a ritual - that works, we stick to it. Notice I said a ritual that works versus a ritual that nourishes or fulfills. That is because often we don't take time to consciously choose our actions and habits. We build our lives through little rituals from getting up and working out or getting up and drinking coffee ... and on and on. If we reexamine our rituals and accept the ones that work for us and write down the ones that don't work for us we can take the first step to transform our life.
Make It Happen
This week make a list of five to 10 rituals in your life. (They can be as simple as waking up in the morning, how you follow up with a potential client, or attending weekly worship services.) Examine each of these rituals and consider if they support you in getting the results you desire. A couple of weeks ago I asked you to create your vision for 2009 - will your current rituals sustain the results you desire? Do you need to rethink any of your rituals? Examine your rituals with a creative eye - explore them as if this is the first time and uncover unique ways to replace negative rituals with positive, nourishing rituals that propel you forward to creating Your Best Year!
Blessings to you!