Are You Ready For Spring Cleaning?
Dear Friend,
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
~Carl Bard
In the Northern Hemisphere Spring officially begins March 20th. Spring suggests rebirth, a renewing, and a recommitting. With this new season we welcome new relationships, new opportunities and new possibilities into our life. But before we can welcome the new we must do a little 'Spring Cleaning' and let go of what is not serving us.
As we let go we get a fresh start - a clean slate if you will. We create room in our lives for new possibilities. What new possibility do you want to usher into your life - personally or professionally?
Perhaps you want to find a job, a home, a mate, a routine or maybe you want a renewed spiritual life, renewed physical activity, a renewed social life - all of which are within your grasp. It is easy to get discouraged by big goals and dreams, but you must never underestimate how close you are and how much fun you are going to have once you reach this goal. Remember that while the next step you desire may feel new and different, you bring you to this challenge your wealth of wisdom, brilliance and magnificence. Right now, I'm asking you to revisit your goals - do a little 'Spring Cleaning' - physically, mentally and emotionally. Toss what is now irrelevant! Take 30 seconds to find two things that you are going to let go of because you realize, whatever the reason, this 'clutter' isn't serving you!
How good does that feel to let go of "shoulds" and "coulds?" Excellent, right? Because when you let go and do a little 'Spring Cleaning' you find that you have more space - physically, mentally and emotionally!
Make It Happen
Take the next week to examine and reexamine your goals and your life. Do a little 'Spring Cleaning' of your own. Don't be afraid to go beyond the surface and dig deep so that you clean it for good, rather than for just a season. Release goals, pursuits, relationships and things that don't fulfill you and feel the freedom of more space - physically, mentally and emotionally!
business coach,
life coach,
spring cleaning