Dear Friend,
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice!
~Wayne Dyer
This week is the first in a two part series on motivation. This week we will focus on self-motivation - what it takes to get us amped up. Next week we will turn to motivating staff and those around us and we'll explore the question, "How can you be a Motivator!"
To begin we must answer the question, What in the world is motivation? Motivation is the drive - the fire that gets us inspired and pumped up to charge after a specific goal. However, what specifically motivates us is quite personal. Ultimately, motivation means different things to each of us. Motivation plays an important role in our life because it helps us to:
- Achieve Goals
- Gain a Positive Perspective
- Create Power to Change
- Build Self-Esteem
- Manage Our Development
When we are motivated, we work harder are more productive and achieve results more rapidly.
Make It Happen
Do you have a large goal that you want to get excited about pursuing? If yes, then it sounds like you could benefit from some motivation! Because we are each unique individuals there is no single motivating factor for everyone. Therefore a great way to uncover what specifically motivates you is to examine what has worked in the past.
- Think back to a large goal that you accomplished in the past...something that you were extremely proud of.
- What was it, really, that motivated you to achieve this goal?
Now that you've seen what has worked for you in the past, take some time to explore this large goal of yours and what motivating factors you need - internal and external to achieve the goal. Make time this week to uncover the answers to the following questions. These six questions will kick-start YOU into tapping into YOUR unique motivating factors to achieve YOUR goals!
- Why is this goal really, really important to me - right now?
- What do I need to do to achieve this goal?
- What am I willing to do to achieve this goal?
- What support structure do I have in place to reach this goal?
- What is my plan? (Take time to build out a detailed plan.)
- How will I know I've achieved this goal?
Blessings to you as you look inside for motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals!