
The Virtuous Life - Silence

Dear Friend, The phrase "silence is golden" has been popularized by poets, authors, singers, and even movie theaters from coast to coast. Why is silence golden? Benjamin Franklin believed silence to be listening to others and avoiding meaningless conversation. While I believe there is great merit in these thoughts I suggest that we can take this further. True silence when incorporated into our life has a magical and powerful effect. Allowing silence into our lives creates openness and space. This space has a vast impact on our being. The silence I refer to is about silencing our minds, suspending thought, and quieting the chatter in our head. When we are able to do this, we stop doing and start being. This level of awareness opens a magical door, behind which we access our inner power and creativity. As the frequency and duration of silence in our life increase, the richer the rewards. The paths towards silence are varied. To find what method works best for you experiment and play a little. I’ll share some strategies that have helped me:

  • Sit down in a comfortable chair.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Slowly begin to inhale through your nose.
  • Feel the sensation of the air hitting your nose.
  • Feel your chest rise as you take this first breath.
  • After you’ve finished inhaling, before exhaling pause and hold your breath for a moment.
  • When you’re ready, release the hold and gently exhale your full breath.
  • As you exhale feel your chest and stomach sink into your body.
  • After you’ve finished exhaling, again pause for a moment before you begin your next inhale.
  • Feel the sensation of your body.
  • Repeat this process. As thoughts come into your mind allow them to pass as you refocus your attention on your breath.

I realize that we are all incredibly busy juggling careers, family, community work, friends, and hobbies and that free moments to sit in silence are few and far between. The irony, of course, is that it isn’t until we have the space and silence in our lives, that we can fully appreciate the value of each of the joyous facets of our lives. In our stolen moments of silence we are able to feel our power and have gratitude for what surrounds us. I suggest that the rewards are far greater than sacrifice.

Take Action Challenge:

For our weekly workout let's make time for two, two minute undistracted, moments of silence each day. During these moments of silence you may use your breath to nudge your mind to release any thoughts and embrace stillness. Remember this is your journey so use whatever method feels comfortable and true for you. This is difficult, but I have confidence and I believe in you. Good luck!

Email your feedback and questions to Margaret@MargaretPundmann.com. Find resources and articles on MargaretPundmann.com. Connect to me: Margaret Pundmann's LinkedIn.com Profile

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Margaret in the News

Check out the recent article in the St. Louis Business Journal. The article discusses my path becoming a life and business coach as well as my upcoming book, due out later this year. For more visit my website www.MargaretPundmann.com.