
Your Highest Self, part two

Your Highest Self, part two
The Emerging Woman
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In April, we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
April's Recap
Week 13 - Express Your Gratitude
Create a gratitude journal
Speak your gratitude outloud
Don't hold back!
Share what you feel!
Week 14 - Turn Over a New Leaf
Select one behavior you would like to change
Decide how you will make this change - a plan!
Get reinforcement to back you up - accountability!
Week 15 - Your Joy List
What is your on your list of things that bring you joy?
Build your list
Place it in a place where you can see it daily, or more!
Week 16 - Your Hiighest Self
What things knock you out of alignement with your highest self?
Build your list
Take note of what is on your list and adjust your life accordingly
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the archives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Your Highest Self, part two
Dear Friend,
"Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can."
~John Wesley
Last week I asked you to consider what things knock you out of alignment with your highest self. I hope you came up with some good ones...and that you've been able to avoid them or dampen their impact in your life.
This week I want you to explore what brings you into alignment with your highest self. It is those activities that allow you to be and do your best -- activities that set the stage or foundation for you to be prepared to face life with vigor. When we focus on and do what brings us to our highest self - our best emerges with ease and grace - and the world gets to experience our true magnificence.
Ask yourself, "What brings me into alignment with my highest self?"
Here are several points of departure:
  • Exercise
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Healthy Eating
  • Sleep
  • Naps
  • Intimacy
  • Strong Relationships
  • Massages
  • Time in Nature
  • Thrill Sports
  • Art (Painting, Sculpture, Drawing)
  • Gardening
Make It Happen
Create your own list of what nourishes you and allows you to be your best. Then look at your weekly or monthly calendar and ensure that you get at least some of these activities every month and many of these activities with greater frequency
In this month of focusing on your flourishing life I want to pose that question to you so you can discover what allows you to from be your best.
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.


Week 16: Your Highest Self

Your Highest Self
The Emerging Woman
Purchase a Copy
In April, we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
April's Recap
Week 13 - Express Your Gratitude
Create a gratitude journal
Speak your gratitude outloud
Don't hold back!
Share what you feel!
Week 14 - Turn Over a New Leaf
Select one behavior you would like to change
Decide how you will make this change - a plan!
Get reinforcement to back you up - accountability!
Week 15 - Your Joy List
What is your on your list of things that bring you joy?
Build your list
Place it in a place where you can see it daily, or more!
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the archives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Your Highest Self
Dear Friend,
"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.
I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." ~Groucho Marx
Several weeks ago fellow coach, Cheryl Richardson posed this question to her community, "What things knock you out of alignment with your highest self?"
In this month of focusing on your flourishing life I want to pose that question to you so you can discover what keeps you from being your best.
So here goes: "What things knock you out of alignment with your highest self?"
Here are some points of departure for what takes you off your path:
  • Interruptions
  • Cutting remarks
  • Wasting time
  • People who waste my time
  • Unexpected emergencies
  • Being disappointed by someone
  • Passive aggressive people
  • Eating too much sugar
  • Not keeping promises to myself
  • Saying Yes when I know I need to say No
  • Staying at my desk for too long
  • Fighting with my kids/spouse
  • Worrying about things I can't control
  • Unsolicited advice
  • Too much TV or Internet
  • Being criticized in front of others
  • Someone succeeding at something I want to do
  • Too much clutter
Make It Happen
This week make a list of five to ten things that knock you out of alignment your highest self. So that we can all learn from each other consider visiting my Facebook page and post what you discover to share with our Facebook community! I bet you will also uncover some new ideas!
Find us on Facebook
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.


Your Joy List

Your Joy List
The Emerging Woman
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In April, we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
April's Recap
Week 13 - Express Your Gratitude
Create a gratitude journal
Speak your gratitude outloud
Don't hold back!
Share what you feel!
Week 14 - Turn Over a New Leaf
Select one behavior you would like to change
Decide how you will make this change - a plan!
Get reinforcement to back you up - accountability!
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the archives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Your Joy List
Dear Friend,

"I feel like a tiny bird with a big song!"

~Jerry Van Amerongen, Ballard Street

Since we are celebrating your life this month, this week I want to discuss the joys of life. The joys of your life are people, events, experiences and things that make you smile just thinking of them! It can be a little confusing differentiating between our gratitudes and our joys. Use this simple rule: you are grateful for all of your joys, but each gratitude doesn't necessarily bring your joy. For example, I'm grateful for my computer - without it I would be a mess and unable to do much of my work, but my computer doesn't really bring me joy. Now the screen saver on my computer of my husband and me at a wedding in Seaside, FL ... that picture brings me joy! See the difference?

Make your joy list filled with people, events, experiences and things that light you up, that make you feel alive and flowing with energy (most of the time!) When you simply think about the items on your list...you will feel joyful! To help you begin writing your joy list I want to share my joy list with you...enjoy!

My Joy List

1. Faith

2. Family

3. Puppies

4. Evening summer rainstorms sitting on a covered porch in a rocking chair, with a blanket

5. Spending time with girlfriends

6. Travelling

7. Swimming

8. Holidays and traditions shared with family and friends

9. Meeting new people and having a connection

10. Change, improvement, goal attainment

11. Laughter

12. Champagne

13. Making everything - FUN, even a boring meeting!

Make It Happen

This week make your own joy list and put in a place where you will see it often and frequently! For example, I have mine on my nightstand and in my organizer. Next, try to add as many of the items on your joy list into your daily activities. When we do what brings us joy - true and pure, joy - our mood increases, we are reminded of the blessings in our life and our attention on what isn't working in our life diminishes.

My Joy List (put as many items on your list as you want!)











P.S. I appreciate your encouragement on procrastination...I'm a "work in progress!"

May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.

Turn Over a New Leaf

Turn Over a New Leaf
The Emerging Woman
Purchase a Copy
In April, we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
April's Recap
Week 13 - Express Your Gratitude
Create a gratitude journal
Speak your gratitude outloud
Don't hold back!
Share what you feel!
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit thearchives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.
This Week's Topic: Turn Over a New Leaf
Dear Friend,
"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." ~Alan Cohen
Part of emerging into a new season is looking at your life and seeing what works and what doesn't work in your life. When we hear the phrase "turn over a new leaf" it doesn't actually refer to a leaf on a tree but rather a leaf or page in a book. Either way this week, with a season of new beginnings I want to challenge you to reform one behavior that isn't working for you. When we remove what doesn't work we can more fully celebrate what does work! This week I'm going to be working on my own project, as well. A change I'm committed to making this week is reducing procrastination. Perhaps there are others that feel as I do ... I wait until the last possible moment to do a task and then find I'm rushing and stuffing too much into a week, a day or even an hour. In order to do this and have any effect I need a plan. My plan is to revise my "to do" list. What is different about this list is that my weekly goals are connected to each daily goal - and each daily goal is scheduled two dates before the actual due date! So something due next Monday will appear on this Friday's list. I'll let you know how it goes, but most of all I want to encourage you to address a behavior that's been annoying you!
Make It Happen
This week I would ask you to consider what one behavior or pattern you would like to change or begin anew. Select something large or small - perhaps you want to start eating breakfast, exercise with greater frequency, spend less money, be on time, have a clutter free counter or car, stop speeding, create a no texting zone in your car - whatever it is use this week to turn a new leaf in your life. Make sure you set up appropriate accountability to help you make and sustain this small but meaningful change. It is often the smallest of changes that make the largest differences in our life.
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.


Week 13: Express Your Gratitude

Express Your Gratitude
The Emerging Woman
Purchase a Copy
Welcome to April! This month we are celebrating the vibrance and color in your life!
Recap - March into March by Simplifying
Week 12 - Six Strategies to Clear Mental Clutter
1) Get a notebook
2) Complete the uncompleted
3) Drop what isn't working
4) Schedule time weekly to regroup and monthly to plan
5) Move - physically
6) Stay in the present moment
Week 11 - Simplify - Clear Your Clutter
-Establish ground rules for your home
-Everything in your home is either functional, beautiful or both
-Everything in your home has a "home base" where it "lives"
Before you buy new things ask yourself:
1) Where will this item "live" in my home?
2) What am I going to do with it...beauty or practical use?
3) What can I donate, give away, sell or toss to make room for my new treasure?
Week 10 - Simplify - Tidy Your Finances
-Take a look at your finances
-Organize your papers
Week 9 Simplify - Your Purse & Wallet
-Set aside 20 min to clearn your purse and wallet
-Reduce the amount of stuff
-Rethink what you actually need
-Eliminate the excess
As your coach I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the archives. In April we focusing on the color in your life!

God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Express Your Gratitude
Dear Friend,
"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."
April is a month of rebirth and renewing. As winter fades and spring emerges we see life and color in nature around us and we are able to spend more time outdoors experiencing these glorious things! This month I want to focus on the color in your life - the elements of your life that give it flavor and vibrance!
To kick start this month I'd like to return to what I believe, after prayer, is the most essential step in our life - gratitude. When we have gratitude for our life, for the people in our life, for our experiences - good and bad - we are able to fully celebrate our life!
The truth is, small things matter because in acknowledging them we open ourselves up to receiving more. When we can look at our lives and have deep and pure gratitude for all that is, we change as people. We unlock our inner belief in abundance. As our beliefs change, we evolve as individuals. We become prepared to accept with gratitude the abundance God has created for us.
Make It Happen
I believe gratitude exercises should be as much a part of our daily routine as brushing our teeth. This week feel and show gratitude. Here are several ways to begin:
  • A gratitude journal - each morning or evening write down five things for which you are grateful
  • Say out loud to yourself twice daily - four things for which you are grateful
  • Write a letter to someone who has impacted your life and express what they did for you and how you feel about it
  • Incorporate gratitude into your daily prayer, "Dear God, I am grateful for..." or "Dear God, I know it is because of your grace..."
Be creative - come up with your own way to express gratitude - open yourself up just as the warming of the earth enables a bud to blossom. Feel your own magnificence by having gratitude for the vibrance in your life!
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues by sharing this newsletter with them and invite them to subscribe! Direct them to www.MargaretPundmann.com where they can sign up.
The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.