
Are You Motivated?

Dear Friend,
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice!
~Wayne Dyer
This week is the first in a two part series on motivation. This week we will focus on self-motivation - what it takes to get us amped up. Next week we will turn to motivating staff and those around us and we'll explore the question, "How can you be a Motivator!"
To begin we must answer the question, What in the world is motivation? Motivation is the drive - the fire that gets us inspired and pumped up to charge after a specific goal. However, what specifically motivates us is quite personal. Ultimately, motivation means different things to each of us. Motivation plays an important role in our life because it helps us to:
  • Achieve Goals
  • Gain a Positive Perspective
  • Create Power to Change
  • Build Self-Esteem
  • Manage Our Development

When we are motivated, we work harder are more productive and achieve results more rapidly.

Make It Happen
Do you have a large goal that you want to get excited about pursuing? If yes, then it sounds like you could benefit from some motivation! Because we are each unique individuals there is no single motivating factor for everyone. Therefore a great way to uncover what specifically motivates you is to examine what has worked in the past.
  • Think back to a large goal that you accomplished in the past...something that you were extremely proud of.
  • What was it, really, that motivated you to achieve this goal?

Now that you've seen what has worked for you in the past, take some time to explore this large goal of yours and what motivating factors you need - internal and external to achieve the goal. Make time this week to uncover the answers to the following questions. These six questions will kick-start YOU into tapping into YOUR unique motivating factors to achieve YOUR goals!

  1. Why is this goal really, really important to me - right now?
  2. What do I need to do to achieve this goal?
  3. What am I willing to do to achieve this goal?
  4. What support structure do I have in place to reach this goal?
  5. What is my plan? (Take time to build out a detailed plan.)
  6. How will I know I've achieved this goal?

Blessings to you as you look inside for motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals!

Are You Ready For Growth?

Dear Friend,
Do you want my one-word secret of happiness -
It's growth - mental, financial, you name it. ~Harold Geneen
Welcome to Spring a season of growth! Last week I asked you to look at your life and do a little "Spring Cleaning." How did that go? Was it hard , easy or a dead end? I really urge you to embrace this change in season and examine where you need to prune your life. Pruning our life is like pruning a plant. Essentially, pruning is the act of removing old materials to enable the plant's new growth to bloom and flourish. Consider that we are like a plant and we like most plants benefits from regular pruning and maintenance. Because when we prune we enable growth. Gardeners around the world delight in seeing how they can help their plants grow into lush mature plants. They enjoy the process of pruning because they know it adds to the health of the plant and increases the beauty of the plant. According to writer and gardener Gary Davis as it relates to plants, "the idea is to identify branches or stems that are dead or have slowed down in their functioning ... and then it is time to remove them by cutting them off." The result is that the root system can more efficiently and effectively feed what is left of the plant. This is exactly how we work. We must identify what is slowing us down and prune it. That is what the process of "Spring Cleaning" entails. Sometimes we are reluctant to totally give up some area of our life because we fear that new will bring different and we are creatures of habit and are comfortable in our old routines. Be patient with yourself and take the steps you need to bloom bigger and more beautifully! Life will be better and you will grow and emerge into your BEST self. Grow, thrive and flourish!
Make It Happen
This week review your "Spring Cleaning" from last week and give it another go.When we truly prune we are able to delight in the growth that comes. Examine what you need to remove from your life. Items to prune may be quite small - that is okay with the excess removed you will have more room for growth! Good luck and Blessings as we embark on this new Season in our life!


4 Secrets to Personal Growth - Free Teleclass Tonight!!!

4 Secrets to Personal Growth
Monday, 3/16 @ 6PM CT/7PM ET

Join Tammy Potosky and Margaret Pundmann for a FREE teleclass to discuss these topics:

- What keeps us from raising our standard of living?

- Who would you be if you were living from the present versus living from the past?

- What would your day look like if you incorporated 10 nourishing daily habits?

- What would you have time to do if you simplified your life dramatically?

Join us on Monday by calling: 1-712-580-8025 the password is 480721#
Or if you cannot make it tonight...
Join us tomorrow - Tuesday, 3/17 @ 11AM CT/12PM ET 
Join us on Tuesday by calling: 1-785-686-2400 the password is 480721# 

Are You Ready For Spring Cleaning?

Dear Friend,
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~Carl Bard
In the Northern Hemisphere Spring officially begins March 20th. Spring suggests rebirth, a renewing, and a recommitting. With this new season we welcome new relationships, new opportunities and new possibilities into our life. But before we can welcome the new we must do a little 'Spring Cleaning' and let go of what is not serving us. 
As we let go we get a fresh start - a clean slate if you will. We create room in our lives for new possibilities. What new possibility do you want to usher into your life - personally or professionally?   Perhaps you want to find a job, a home, a mate, a routine or maybe you want a renewed spiritual life, renewed physical activity, a renewed social life - all of which are within your grasp. It is easy to get discouraged by big goals and dreams, but you must never underestimate how close you are and how much fun you are going to have once you reach this goal. Remember that while the next step you desire may feel new and different, you bring you to this challenge your wealth of wisdom, brilliance and magnificence.
Right now, I'm asking you to revisit your goals - do a little 'Spring Cleaning' - physically, mentally and emotionally. Toss what is now irrelevant! Take 30 seconds to find two things that you are going to let go of because you realize, whatever the reason, this 'clutter' isn't serving you!   How good does that feel to let go of "shoulds" and "coulds?" Excellent, right? Because when you let go and do a little 'Spring Cleaning' you find that you have more space - physically, mentally and emotionally!
Make It Happen
Take the next week to examine and reexamine your goals and your life. Do a little 'Spring Cleaning' of your own. Don't be afraid to go beyond the surface and dig deep so that you clean it for good, rather than for just a season. Release goals, pursuits, relationships and things that don't fulfill you and feel the freedom of more space - physically, mentally and emotionally!

10 Ways To Be Fearless


compliments of Oprah!


Are You Soaring?

Can you believe we are already ten weeks into the year? Before the beginning of 2009 we took time to examine our lives and articulate what dreams we had for 2009. We set personal and professional goals for ourselves. How are you doing in relation to the goals you set for 2009? Are you soaring? If you have stumbled - remember your path towards soaring can follow the path of a kite - often the kite stumbles as it begins. Let's take some time this week to either celebrate your success or refocus your goals so that you can get the wind beneath your wings to soar. Remember as a kite becomes airborne it doesn't go up in a straight line. Rather it sways doing loops and flips as it strives to soar. Our path towards achieving our goals can often look and feel like this. Once a kite is flying high and soaring it relies on the wind to support it. However without warning the wind can disappear causing the kite to fall to the ground. We too, can be on a promising path and can have unexpected events remove the wind from our wings thus causing us to falter. It can be extremely frustrating and discouraging. Flying a kite can be a metaphor for your desire to fulfill your true potential or to, as Oprah has coined the phrase, "live your best life." It can be frustrating when all of the other kites around you seem to effortlessly glide through the air and yet you continue to hit rough patch after rough patch.



FREE 1-Hour Teleclass

Free Teleclass – “4 Secrets to Personal Growth” Join us for a FREE 1-hour teleclass to discuss these topics: • What keeps us from raising our standard of living? • Who would you be if you were living from the present versus living from the past? • What would your day look like if you incorporated 10 nourishing daily habits? • What would you have time to do if you simplified your life dramatically? Join us on either Monday, 3/16 @ 7PM ET or Tuesday, 3/17 @ 12PM ET Join us on Monday by calling: 1-712-580-8025 the password is 480721# Join us on Tuesday by calling: 1-785-686-2400 the password is 480721 For more information, visit http://www.margaretpundmann.com/ or call 314.266.1532

Why Must We Worry?

Dear Friend, Don't worry, be happy In every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy~Bobby McFerrin
And This, Too, Shall Pass. Life is about embracing change.
The phrase "And This, Too, Shall Pass" has numerous said origins. Some say it was engraved on a ring created by a subject of King Solomon for the King to wear to bring him out of depression. Another take says a minister revealed the phrase to an Indian Prince for the same reason. Even President Lincoln called upon the phrase. Eckhart Tolle suggests to us in A New Earth the deeper meaning of the words is that everything in life is transient - fleeting.
So, too, I suggest to you that whatever you are dealing with right now - in your professional life, in your personal life or in your social life - remember "And This, Too, Shall Pass." It is easy to get caught up in the drama of the moment. It is easy to fall victim to the unending negativity. Today it is about the economy, yesterday it was about _______________ tomorrow we shall find another mishap over which to lament.
And yet, where will this worry get us? That is just it. It uses up our energy, wastes our time, and depletes our sanity! When we fall prey to worry we relinquish our power. Did you know that over 85% of the population is worried about something? Worrying keeps us from enjoying life. Most of worrying is just wasted energy. A study in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy found that 85 percent of the things we worry about never occur!
Make It Happen
This week I'm asking you to:
  • Take a longer perspective - look long range.
  • Evaluate each "big worry" and ask yourself, "Can I impact this situation?"
  • If yes, take action! Consider what one or two actions you can take this week to ease your worry and put you in a proactive role.
  • If not, contemplate the Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

  • Allow the phrase, "And This, Too, Shall Pass" to provide some comfort to you - that indeed the hard times will abate.