
Cleanliness - One Step Away!

Dear Friend,

It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness.
Bob Proctor
This week we return to examine what constitutes a virtuous life. Benjamin Franklin suggests that cleanliness is part of a virtuous life. He indicates that we should be clean in our body, in our appearance, and in the way we live. Recently, a client told me that she had so many piles around her home that she didn't know what to do. To 'get rid' of this clutter she opened the nearest closet and tossed it in! Yes, this is a true story! And after sharing a good laugh, my concern was simple: now that the plies are buried, their impact and energy drain doesn't go away. She knows that this stuff is still in her home. And presumably at some point in the future she will have to address the situation. So what she did is postpone the inevitable. And yes, her house does look cleaner, but in reality it isn't any cleaner. How good do you feel when you are driving out of a car wash - the inside of your car is clean and the outside of your car is shiny? Pretty fantastic, right? To that end, I'd suggest that having a clean office, desk, car, or a clean appearance isn't about how it looks, but rather about how we feel. When we take action and get rid of unnecessary clutter, tighten our appearance, or dust the old books in the study what changes on the outside is merely a fringe benefit of how we feel on the inside! That is what being clean is about - being able to walk with our head held high knowing that we are living powerfully in our own lives.
Take Action Challenge
May I suggest that this week you resolve to do today, what you know needs to be done rather than postponing it for tomorrow? Your challenge this week is to select one small area of your life that needs to be deep-cleaned and take action. Here are some suggestions: get the hair cut you've been putting off, set up online bill pay, clean out the glove compartment or trunk of your car, go through the mail that is piled up on your kitchen counter, toss the dowdy suit, have those buttons, zippers, or tears repaired on your favorite garments, review your email in-box and take action or delete at least 50% of the emails, revisit the files on the floor of your office - organize, send some to storage, and shred what is no longer needed. This week I ask that you focus on cleaning up the problem, rather than postponing the inevitable! Take one small step each day! Good luck and remember you are a small step away from greatness!