
Who is on Your Team?

Below are 12 people all entrepreneurs need...

1. Someone who loves you for you, just because you are you.

Yes, It's magic.  Find and Enjoy.

2. Someone who isn't afraid to be honest with you.
They'll need courage.

3. Someone who is more evolved that you are.
Let them be an evolving environment for you.

4. Someone who knows everybody.
Saves you time.

5. Someone who is well-connected.
Gives you access to opportunities.

6. Someone who can solve your problems for you.
Life is too short to do this for yourself.

7. Someone you can rely upon in a crisis.
Make sure they are up for this.  Have a clear understanding.

8. Someone who you love completely. just because.
Love is its own reward.

9. Someone who is a cyber/tech wizard.
Suck up if necessary.

10. Someone in your field who is far more successful that you.

11. Someone who you are mentoring or coaching.
This brings our your best.

12. Someone who is mentoring and coaching you.
We all do better with a coach.
(This list is compliments of the late Thomas Leonard, founder of the "coaching" profession.)