
Tranform Your Life with Byron Katie's Four Questions

Transform Your Life with
Byron Katie's Four Questions
The Emerging Woman
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Welcome to May! In May, we are focused on moving past what holds you back from living your most full life!
As your coaching I want to encourage you to dream wildly, love wholeheartedly, persevere relentlessly, believe in yourself unwaveringly and give abundantly!

If you are new this week...welcome...let's make 2010 your best year yet! For a recap of what we've covered so far visit the


God Bless, Margaret.

This Week's Topic: Transform Your Life with Byron Katie's Four Questions
Dear Friend,

"An unquestioned mind is the world of suffering."

~Byron Katie

During the month of May we are going to focus on moving past what holds us back - at work, at home, in relationships, in our health -- in every single area of your life!

To kick start our month of exploration I want to share Byron Katie's four extremely powerful questions with you. These questions if applied correctly have the ability to change your life, perhaps in an instant. Give your self a private, quite space to perform this exercise. If you don't find answers immediately allow yourself the entire week to practice

When you are stuck on a negative thought or limiting thought use this exercise to transform the way you view your thoughts. Here are several points of departure:
  • I'm not good enough.
  • I can't succeed.
  • I will never be financially secure.
  • I'm a terrible parent.
  • It is my genes that keep me from a healthy weight.
  • ________ (event or experience) was entirely my fault.
  • I don't deserve a significant other.
  • My marriage is doomed for failure.
  • I don't deserve it all.
Once you identify your thought or feeling, write down your thought or feeling on a piece of paper.
Question 1: Is it true?
Be still, review what you wrote down and ask yourself if the thought you wrote down is true. Question 2: Can you absolutely know it's true? Open your mind and go deeper into the unknown, to find the answers that live beneath our initial reactions and thoughts. Let go of what you think you know and truly reexamine what is on your piece of paper. Question 3: How do you react-what happens-when you believe that thought? This question is designed to help you begin to notice internal cause and effect. You can see that when you believe the thought, there is a disturbance that can range from mild discomfort to fear or panic. What do you feel when you believe that thought? How do you treat yourself, when you believe that thought? Make a list and be specific. Question 4: Who would you be without the thought? Imagine yourself in that situation without believing the thought. How would your life be different if that thought had no validity? How would you feel? Which do you prefer-life with or without the thought? Which feels kinder, more peaceful?
Turn the thought around:
The "turnaround" gives you an opportunity to experience the opposite of what you believe. Develop two or three turnarounds to your initial statement. In other words write down two or three statements that are the opposite of what you initially wrote. Now that you have found several turnarounds to your initial statement find three specific, authentic examples of how each turnaround is true in your life.
Make It Happen
This week take time to practice the exercise above with negative, non nourishing thoughts that invade your consciousness. Remember there is no sense in suffering over thoughts that you haven't fully questioned and examined.
May you be blessed, for you are a blessing!
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The "Powerful Living, Powerful You" newsletter is written and distributed by Emerge Enterprise, LLC. Copyright © 2010 Margaret Pundmann Fortner. All rights reserved. www.MargaretPundmann.com.